Monday, April 30, 2007

House guests are awesome!!

We were smart enough to invite a very fun guest at Aaron & Masayo's wedding to spend the week with us. Jeremy is a former coworker of Aaron's from Vancouver (BC, Canada, eh?) who has been quite a treat to get to know. He also cooks well (another smart decision on our part): * Note that the above is the first in a sequence of 6 shots of him cooking us some yummy fettucini alfredo, so click on it & check out all 6. We are going to be sad to see him leave, although he'll just be continuing his vacation/decompression from his most recent web design venture. He's off to Thailand for several weeks (which could very well turn into months, we suspect). Everybody wish him well!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Haha.. I just found this.

You guys were wonderful. Thank you again for opening up your house to a strange, strange person like me. ;)

My house is your house, anytime. I had an absolute blast with you two.

Talk to you soon,
